There are hundreds of miles of trails to explore in the National Forest, why not tread a new path and see where it takes you.
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Greenwood Days

Spring Wood, DE73 8BJ
01332 864529
No specific information provided – please contact the venue direct.
Greenwood Days is a leading provider of traditional, woodland based, heritage crafts experiences.
Over the last 30 years their wonderful woodland workshop which has evolved and expanded, creating a dry, fully equipped workshop space that combines the experience of working outside in the woodland with a safe and dry environment.
The centre was set up by Peter Wood a traditional chairmaker and through his vision has slowly expanded allowing other skilled craftspeople to share their skills in a welcoming and supportive environment.
Crafts include green woodworking, furniture making, willow weaving, sculpture, wood carving and traditional wood turning.
- Accepts Credit Cards
- Car Parking
- Children Welcome
- Educational Activities
- Toilets
Advance visit information
- Advanced booking necessary

There’s no better way to fully immerse yourself in the National Forest than through a woodland experience.