Walking in the National Forest

There are hundreds of miles of paths to explore in the National Forest, and plenty of places accessible for all ages and abilities. Grab your walking boots or your trainers, download a leaflet and head off on a walk, run or cycle. Follow gentle trails through vibrant young woodlands and nature-rich forests. Discover the areas heritage or let a canal towpath take you to the nearest pub lunch. 


The National Forest Way

Explore the wonderful and varied landscape of the National Forest on this 75-mile linear walking route.



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Be a responsible visitor

To get the most out of your visit to the National Forest and enjoy all it has to offer, please follow some simple rules.

Reporting problems with Rights of Way

Help us to maintain our trails for others to enjoy, by reporting any issues you come across. 

Let's grow the future

We can’t do this alone; we need your help. Whether you choose to make your own small commitment to the planet or want to get more actively involved, you’re standing up for positive change.

Plant trees

There are many ways to plant trees in the Forest, why not join us for a planting event or dedicate a tree.

Make a donation

Whether you can make a one-off donation or can support monthly, you’re standing up for positive change.

Apply for a grant

We want to bring people together and support those who also want to bring about transformation.