

Every donation, big or small, is supporting positive change. With your support we can continue to care for woodlands, grow habitats for wildlife and create green spaces for people to enjoy.

Help us achieve our vision

There are many ways you can make a difference, whether you're looking to make a one-off donation, become a regular supporter, or leave a legacy, you'll be helping to create a greener, healthier and more sustainable future. 

Make a donation

By making a donation, you'll be helping to support the ongoing care and work we're doing here in the Forest, creating places where people and nature can thrive.

Become a Forest Champion

By making a monthly donation you will become a Forest Champion and make a lasting contribution to our work and the good the Forest can do.

Raise money

By fundraising for the National Forest, you'll be helping to raise awareness of this place and our work. Your donations will also support us to continue to grow the Forest.

Leave a legacy

Leaving a legacy to the Forest can help us to continue to create a Forest for everyone, by making it more accessible, thriving with wildlife and benefiting generations for years to come.

Become a corporate partner

Align your business to our values too. Work with us to improve your environmental impact, and help us create a sustainable Forest that is supporting businesses, people and wildlife to thrive.


hectares of habitat have been transformed thanks to the support of people like you.
Minorca Woods: a story of inspirational change

Minorca Woods is a prime example within the Forest of demonstrating the opportunities for positive change, along with the resulting environmental, societal and economic benefits that trees can bring.


Find out more

More ways to get involved

Plant trees

We believe trees are transformational. Help us plant trees where people live and work by joining us for a planting event or dedicating a tree.

Apply for a grant

We want to bring people together and support those who also want to bring about transformaiton.