Our governance

We have robust governance and procedures in place to ensure value for money for public and charitable funds. This includes external audit from the National Audit Office, assurance through internal audit and accounts laid in parliament.

Charity governing document

We became a charity and company limited by guarantee in 2016 (charity number 1166563, company number 02991970). View and download our Articles of Association.

Our board of trustees

Our trustees play an important role in driving forward our vision for the National Forest. They are the champions of our purpose and drive our ambitions and targets.

Annual reports

Read about our financial performance. View and download our annual report and accounts, which look back on our activities and achievements since becoming a charity.

Freedom of information

We strive to be an open and transparent organisation. As part of this we provide access to key documents and other information. Read our statement on Freedom of Information.

Publication scheme

The aim of the Publication Scheme is to help you find National Forest Company information quickly and easily and to improve the flow of information into the public domain.