Publication Scheme

The aim of the Publication Scheme is to help you find National Forest Company (NFC) information quickly and easily and to improve the flow of information into the public domain. The Scheme ensures that the NFC meets the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (from 1 January 2005). The Scheme has been approved by the Information Commissioner but we will continue to monitor and review it to ensure that it is working successfully.

About the Publication Scheme

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, each public body must produce a Publication Scheme describing:

  • the information it publishes
  • how the information is published
  • whether or not the information is available free of charge

The Scheme aims to provide a clear idea of what information is available in a structured and consistent manner. It classifies the information by type and provides details on how to obtain it.

On some occasions we may need to edit the material we make available. This will usually be because of concerns about confidentiality, invasion of privacy or commercial sensitivity.

Obtaining Information

If the information you need is available on the website, a link to the section will be provided. If information is available by post you can request a copy by contacting the NFC. If you cannot find the information you require, let us know. (Contact details are at the end of this document.)

Paying for Information

The majority of information we provide is available free of charge. You may be asked to pay for priced items such as walks booklets or bound reports and strategy documents.

Information published on the website is free although you may incur charges from your internet provider. If you don’t have internet access, you can access our website using your local library or an internet café. If you are unable to access the internet, you can contact us to request the information. If your request means that we have to do a large amount of photocopying or printing or have to pay a large postage charge, we will let you know the cost before fulfilling your request. Any such costs would be payable in advance.


Brief extracts of any NFC copyrighted material included in the Publication Scheme may be reproduced under the fair dealing provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (sections 29 and 30) for the purposes of research, private study, criticism, review and news reporting.

Authorisation to reuse copyright material not owned by the NFC should be sought from the copyright holders concerned.

Publication Scheme