

Growing our tree and woodland cover is an urgent priority to respond to climate change and meet government targets. Our forest creation helps to connect and buffer existing woodlands to increase resilience, as well as enhancing the rural landscape by reducing pollution and protecting soils. Increasing urban canopy cover and green infrastructure has additional benefits such as improving air quality, providing access for communities and reducing surface water run off.

Our long term aims

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Forest cover
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16 million
trees planted
How we're creating the Forest

We create around 200 hectares of new Forest habitats each year with partners such as landowners and local authorities, using a range of mechanisms including grant schemes, helping others to buy land, working through the planning system and supporting communities. Our tree planting is predominantly mixed, native broadleaved species with some conifer and exotic species more tolerant of warmer temperatures. Planting is targeted to the less productive land in the Forest and to those areas that can provide the biggest benefit.

Grants and advice

What has been achieved so far

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Forest cover
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9.5 million
trees planted
Planting hope

We have developed a careful set of guiding principles and core beliefs that have been created and adapted over time that combine to form the National Forest model for forest creation. These demonstrate how the National Forest will continue to drive forward the ambition to increase forest cover and scale up tree and woodland cover elsewhere across the country.

Read the strategy

How you can help

There are many ways to help continue to grow the National Forest, from planting trees at one of our events to supporting our work through a donation. 

Plant trees

Help plant trees in the National Forest by joining us for a planting event or dedicating a tree. 

Make a donation

Help us continue to plant trees and transform the Forest through making a donation towards our work.