Freedom of Information

The National Forest Company (NFC) strives to be an open and transparent organisation. As part of this we make as much as possible of the information we hold easily accessible. We welcome the requirement of the Freedom of Information Act to make documents, records, data and information available for you.

Implementing Freedom of Information

Our various duties and responsibilities to inform, educate and engage individuals and organisations in the Forest’s creation has meant that the Company already provides information to a wide audience.

The NFC has recognised the vital role which freedom of access to information plays in helping us achieve our goals. The necessity of ensuring that the public has up-to-date information on the Forest’s creation is essential; we rely on their involvement to help us create this major national asset. We have therefore actively encouraged the public to seek information from us, and for example attract them to our website so that we can give them information relevant to their needs.

Freedom of Information

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 you are entitled to a response to requests for information within 20 days. Under the terms of the Act you are entitled to an internal review of any decision about provision of information under that code and a response within 20 days. If you are unhappy with the result of the review, then you can ask an MP to contact the Parliamentary Ombudsman who has the power to investigate further.

The Act requires government Departments, agencies and public bodies within the jurisdiction of the Parliamentary Ombudsman to provide access to official information, except where the disclosure of information would cause harm or prejudice, eg legal proceedings. Our Open Government Officer is: Amanda Fletcher. 

Charging for information under Freedom of Information Act 2000

Seeking a fee for information provided will only be considered as a last resort for very difficult and unusual cases.

Government bodies are not permitted to benefit from any charges made for open government requests. Any receipts will be notified to Treasury via the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

If the NFC does decide that a charge should be made for providing information, the following action will be taken:

  • NFC will provide the inquirer with a costed estimate of the proposed fee.
  • If the cost is agreed with the inquirer, an invoice will be raised for the agreed fee.
  • Any work necessary to provide the requested information will not be undertaken until the fee has been paid.