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Choose Trees
Select your preferred species from the selection below and we’ll calculate the total cost for you. Your choice is from a selection of broadleaf trees native to the area, so no matter how many you decide to purchase, we can find the ideal spot for all. Please note that we cannot guarantee that we will always be able to plant your preferred species.

The wise old oak tree. A symbol of strength and survival, this sacred species provides rich habitats for wildlife, with many enjoying its falling acorns as a food source.
With its wonderful red buds, beautiful bark spine, and large heart-shaped green leaves, the lime is perfect for birds and insects. Particularly, it is a favourite of the endangered honey bee.
The leaves of the magical hazel tree turn yellow in autumn, covering our landscape in colour before creating a beautiful yellow pathway when they fall. A species perfect for dormice and caterpillars.
Silver Birch
The birch trees light open canopy provides the perfect conditions for bluebells, violets, grass and moss to thrive on the Forest floor. You may also find a nesting bird or two inside its trunk.
Choose for me
If you can’t decide on a species, why not let our foresters choose for you. Just tell us how many trees you would like us to plant and we will select what is best for the woodland.
An alder tree can live up to 200 years. Its flowers grow in dense clusters of cream and white, and after pollination, develop into striking red fruits - a rich source of food for wildlife.
The leaves of a wild hornbeam tree change colour throughout the year, creating a beautiful year-round display. Beginning with a deep green before fading into orange and a deep crimson in autumn.
Choose a certificate
Whatever the occasion, your tree comes with a personalised certificate that you will be able to download, save and print off at the end of your order. Select your certificate design from those available below. Please note, we do not send certificates through the post.

Personalise Certificate
Personalise your certificate with the reason for your dedication, who you are dedicating to and your own personal message. If you create an account, your certificate will also be saved in your order history. Please note, we do not send certificates through the post.

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Acknowledging the dedication of
The National Forest is a new wooded landscape for the nation across 200 square miles at the very heart of England.
By planting trees, you are contributing to one of the boldest environmental initiatives in the country.
Please note that you are looking at a generated preview of your certificate. There may be some small variation between this preview and your final certificate. The final version of your certificate will be available to download after you have purchased.
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