Apply for a grant

Apply for a grant

The following form can be used if you are interested in applying for funding from us. We offer a variety of grants and the information we ask for can help us to direct you to the most suitable grant for your project. We also recognise the amount of work that goes into applying for funding, so this form allows us to let you know early on if it is worth making a full application. 

Check your project location

Before making an enquiry about our grants, please be aware that we only support projects that are based in the National Forest or benefit the communities and people who live within it. If you are not sure if your project is based in or around the National Forest then please view our map. 

Open the map

Your details

Tell us about you and how we can contact you. 

Your project

Tell us about your project. We are looking to fund projects that help us to achieve the vision and aims of the National Forest, so include infomation about how your project aligns to the Forest and how you are going to deliver it. If your project is in early stages, we appreciate that the answers you give may change or you may not have answers yet. If this is the case, please feel free to respond with TBC. 
For land-based projects it would be helpful if you could also provide a postcode, grid reference or What3Words location. 
For land-based projects, include the size in hectares. For activity-based projects, tell us who the beneficiaries will be. 
Tell us an estimated start and end date if you have them. 
The costs can be estimated.