Our values

Our values form our core beliefs; where we've come from and what we stand for. We use these to benchmark our behaviours, our messages and our work. 

Tackling climate change is urgent

Tackling climate change is urgent

The climate crisis means that we have to be more ambitious and act quickly, but we are passionate and positive in the face of this challenge. This is what drives our work and means we move with urgency and speed.
Sustainability is achievable

Sustainability is achievable

We have over 30 years of experience in transformation. We have taken a whole-place approach to impact environment, society and the economy, and our work demonstrates what is achievable.
Trees transform things

Trees transform things

Our work is holistic but we know that the entry point is trees. They are transformational and the catalyst for real change. We're growing confidence here that a positive future is possible.
We are the Forest

We are the Forest

We know that we have to think like a forest. Our success depends on everyone working together, as an entity, like a forest. This is why we are collaborative in everything we do; working in partnership and always making connections.
The Forest is for everyone

The Forest is for everyone

Our work is inclusive and accessible. We want to inspire nationwide imitation and set an example of what success looks like, and that starts with understanding that access to nature should be an expectation, not a luxury.
How could I look my grandchildren in the eye and say I knew what was happening to the world and did nothing.
Sir David Attenborough